Category Archives: Travel Tuesdays

Journey Over Destination. Always

Since the birth of this blog I have had an expectation of how my Travel Tuesday posts should go.  I was basing my idea off of a travel blog set-up where I would review places and bring that guided helpfulness to others in regards to the logistics of visiting a place:  best places to eat, most fun things to do, accessibility and ease of destinations, etc.

Although I feel I will bring content like that to my Travel Tuesdays, Spirit is guiding me into a different direction right now when it comes to my Travel segments.  There is a deep spiritual freedom that has come from allowing myself the bravery to travel, especially alone.  I have gone on multiple roadtrips from east coast to west coast and have blazed through the majority of the states in between.  Traveling can truly be enhanced by stopping to make visits and tastes the foods of different places.  This is to not be underestimated.  However, traveling can also be an intuitive, life-changing event solely from getting out on the open road, letting the breeze comb through your hair from the open window or the A/C blasting in your car, getting lost in the music, and feeling the comfort of the highway signs reassuring you that if you need any resources such as gas, food, or a place to sleep, it is available.

I’ve spent a lot of time out on the open road, roadtripping from place to place.  I’ve gone on multiple cross-country road trips over the past decade of my life and each one has brought its own experiences and differences.  The one thing that has always remained the same and been what has pulled me back to do it again has been the freedom of simply just driving — sometimes without a specific destination or know-how in mind.  The liberation of knowing it is safe to just … go… and be at one with the open road has freed me.

This has been a huge link to my self-connection and my truth.  Driving is a meditative practice for me that restores me and elevates my vibrations.  While driving I catch myself visualizing what it is I truly desire in life without any restrictions trying to hold me back.  The energy of the open road carries with it the limitless potential of going anywhere, of doing anything, of being anyone.  It rips away any walls or ceilings I’ve tried to box myself into and gives me a fair opportunity to believe in myself to achieve what it is I want.

The clarity I receive on the open road is unlike any clarity I receive elsewhere.  It’s a different kind of clarity – a link to my true Spirit.  Driving keeps me present because I need to pay attention to what is going on, yet gives me the unlimited potential to focus on whatever dreams are making their way to the forefront.  I have the time and space to think about them and feel into them without that intrepid sense of guilt I get when I’m daydreaming and have other things I should be doing.  Driving helps me manifest.

Before I can really bring that travel-inspired content mentioned in my first paragraph, it is important to me to develop a foundation of understanding between me and you, my beloved readers.  Driving on the open road ingrains the truth that it is not about the destination that liberates me, it really is all about the journey.

It took me multiple cross-country trips to finally stop judging myself about not “taking advantage” of the fact that I was driving through so many different places.  I would feel a sense of guilt that I was mostly staying on the highway during my drive-throughs instead of taking time to stop and explore.  When I would stop and explore I was often glad I did, however I was limiting my idea of travel to needing to see something beautiful or extraordinary to be personally moved.

When I left for a roadtrip in December of 2018 to follow my soul’s calling and find out what it was I truly desired in life, I had all of the freedom in the world to get out and explore.  I thought this is what I would be doing and would be integrating it into my social media.  But Spirit and the Universe had a different plan for me.  They were showing me that going for a long drive on the road is a deep sense of therapy for me.  It rejuvenates my soul.  It helps me increase my vibration to assure that I leave behind negative thought processes that make me feel like I’m not good enough.  It nurtures my soul.  I learned that it was okay to drop the expectation that just because I wasn’t doing as much exploration externally on my trips didn’t mean I wasn’t expanding myself and doing deep exploration internally.

I finally dropped the judgment that I needed to “make the most” of my trips by going to places, instead of allowing myself to just drive.  I began to realize the need for open-road driving in my life.  It keeps me in balance and it helps me process the gunk that may be sitting in my life, ready for release.

Perhaps now that I have dropped the self-judgment of not exploring places as much as one may assume since I’ve done multiple roadtrips, my emergence of exploration will come more naturally.  I won’t be telling myself I “should” be making more stops and seeing more attractions.  I’ll know that it is safe for me to go with the flow and do what feels right because I am spiritually upgrading and up-leveling with each mile I make.

I am compelled to write this post for Travel Tuesday today because I am about to go on one of my most miraculous roadtrips yet.  This is because my intention of this roadtrip is to close a giant chapter of my life and elevate me toward a higher sense of love.  Instead of wondering what to make of this trip, I know that my intention is to finalize my decision to move on.  I’ll explain more as progress is made and now that I have this blog implemented, I will be able to take you guys along for the journey with even more depth than ever before.

Until then, I encourage you to trust that the way you explore life is okay.  The most important part about travel, to me, is enjoyment.  If you feel good then you’re doing something right.  Everybody’s needs are different and the way we experience life is supposed to be varied.  Dropping self-judgment will elevate you to a more profound state of love.

See you soon,

Soul Family Connection on Mount Lemmon | Tucson, Arizona

Main topics in this post: Taking leaps of faith in travel, explaining and discovering “soul family”, creating new friendships

Hi blog fam! Welcome to Travel Tuesday!  These segments are going to differ in approach each week as some posts may be about tips/advice on travel or newfound awareness I received from traveling.  Travel has been a huge part of my soul growth and building my confidence.  I have been able to travel to places and experience new things that I wouldn’t have dared to do because of feeling confident and safe in my body.  I look forward to empowering you through my experiences to help you take that leap of faith toward a new adventure that may be calling you.

In this blog, I went into the post expecting to discuss my experience on Mount Lemmon, which is a mountain in Tucson, Arizona.  However, Spirit guided me to not just discuss the beauty that I was surrounded by but the experience I had regarding meeting somebody new and traveling to this place with them on a leap of faith.  I would very quickly begin to recognize them as soul family as we got “lost” in nature for a few hours that ticked by as if we were only there for a few minutes.  It was a magical experience that brought healing to my soul… so let’s dive in.

Mount Lemmon – Tucson, AZ – June 2019
Accessibility: Easy – No hiking is necessary for incredible views, although plentiful opportunities to do so.  There are parking spots along the mountainside as well as restrooms available.

Often we seek experience without the bravery of putting ourselves out there.  We fear the unknown as if it is going to bite us and permanently damage us or end our lives.  If we think about it though, our entire lives have been an experience of the unknown.  We don’t know what the world will offer us when we wake up in the morning, even if we have a pretty good idea based on patterns from the past.  We don’t know who we will meet at the store.  We don’t know what types of foods we are going to fall in love with until we try them.  We don’t recognize the beauty of nature until we submerse ourselves into it.

Fear of the unknown is an illusion, because in every single moment we are conquering that fear by existing.  As much as we like to think we have control over our environments, we don’t, and we never will.  That’s a blessing because it immediately frees us of the weight of control over how our lives are going to unravel.

Exploration has been a huge part of my soul for a very long time, however I often held back, and still do from time to time, taking the leaps of faith presented in front of me.  Growing up within an environment of anxiety, I was always questioning the “what-ifs” of a situation going wrong if I did take that jump.

After moving to a new city where I don’t have any local friends, I began realizing that I would have to step outside of my comfort zone and begin taking chances with friendships.  I’ve become very comfortable with doing my own thing as it has been very necessary over the past few months that I’ve been eradicating old behaviors from my life and moving around from place to place. I have needed to take a step back and figure out what kinds of friendships would best suit me at this point in my life.  There has been a need for me to get very honest with myself about what kind of energy my soul is craving, and communicate this to those already around me. These communications haven’t always gone so well due to the fears of change that are inevitably ingrained in us.  When situations call for change because a person is shifting into a higher version of themselves, it can seem scary, like we are losing that friendship.  Sometimes it means a friendship’s dynamic changing to accommodate that growth, and sometimes it means letting it go (temporarily or permanently)… both can mean having to deal with grief.

Moving forward, I’ve been guided to open up to what best suits me now within complementary friendships.  After doing such heavy and deep grieving of old friendships, being asked by Spirit to now open up to new friendships and cultivate love there had me very hesitant.  Is cultivating new friendships worth my time if they may or may not last?  What’s the point?  The point is that I deserve love where I am at now, and I am allowed to seek out that love regardless of how long that love may be available to me.  That is self-love.

As I’ve opened up to connecting with new people and/or people from my past that I am now aligned, I began realizing that it’s not “friendships” that I’m aligning with anymore… it is soul family.  Soul family are people who resonate with us on a deep, seemingly unexplained spiritual level that may or may not even be addressed.  Soul family brings a higher vibration to our lives because their energy resonates with ours.  They are able to naturally mirror back to us what it is we need in that moment due to the very similar soul vibration we share.  The interesting thing about soul family is that, from my experience anyways, they don’t fall into those typical “friendship” standards where we have learned to have expectations toward them.  Spending time or communication with soul family is a very rich experience.  It is a healthy dose of soul-food because it is familiarity of who we truly are due to the soulful connection we have with them.  Having relationships with soul family also requires us to be able to take full responsibility for our own lives, because we cannot be a vibrational-match if we are expecting the other person to be there for us in a certain way that we aren’t showing up for ourselves.

This familiarity and comfort we experience with them can bring a profound sense of love.  We may even mistake it as romantic love for that person.  I feel that’s very natural because, especially if we aren’t used to feeling that vibration, being with that person can feel like home – effortlessly.  Telepathy and elevated intuition is also very common in these kinds of connections.

So…after listening to the Universe about meeting new people, I got on some apps and began mingling.  I had also been spiritually-guided to visit Mount Lemmon as I was suddenly and constantly being shown this destination.  Within a day of meeting a new person online, we made plans to go visit this destination together.  It took me awhile to agree to bringing this unknown person along with me, as my hesitancy of the unknown was suddenly creeping up.  What if I didn’t feel comfortable around this person? What if their presence took away from my own experience?  What if, what if, what if!

I used my intuition and chose to see this as an opportunity to connect with somebody, which was something my soul was craving more than I was willing to recognize due to the mask of fear.  So, I chose trust in the Universe which had laid this plan out extremely smoothly for us, I picked this person up, and off we went on an adventure.

(Note: I trust my Universe and intuition so I knew I wasn’t in danger’s way by doing this.  Choose safety for what feels right to you, always.)

Photo Jun 10, 10 39 26 PM


I never could have anticipated the experience I had with this person… as soon as I picked them up conversation flowed with ease between us, and a familiar energy filled my car.  Suddenly, a feeling of recognition began developing as we made our way through the twists and turns of the mountain.  This person went from being a stranger to somebody I felt extremely comfortable and understood by.  Throughout our few hours together I kept forgetting that I had just met him, as it felt like we had known one another for a very long time. He had been to the mountain before so he guided me to a couple of spots with beautiful views where we sat in the most comfortable silence and peace that I’ve ever had with somebody in person.

Photo Jun 10, 6 50 00 PM

This deep, meditative clarity took over me as we sat there, witnessing nature together, and I felt like I could let my guard down and become extremely present.  Any outside worries, concerns or thoughts I had prior to being up on that mountain had completely eradicated.  It felt like the fresh, clean air whipped through my lungs and cleared out any toxic, old energy that was still residing inside of me.  The wildlife greeted us with trust.


The trees whispered secrets to us (or about us, we weren’t sure).

**Check out the “Twin-Flame Tree” we found … connected at the base of energy yet branching off as their own whole trees…

twinflame tree

My soul felt like it was at a deep peace by being on that mountain and in his energy.  My soul knew him in a way my logic couldn’t define. I began to recognize the feeling as a soul connection, since I have been submersing myself in these kinds of relationships lately.

Photo Jun 10, 10 39 26 PM (1)

As time flew by in the blink of an eye, the sun went down and it was time to descend the mountain.  Along with descending the mountain, it felt like I was descending from a higher realm of consciousness and coming back down to reality.

(This is the gingerbread man rock… the most-left rock is the head, then it has its arms crossed as if it’s taking a nap with a cowboy hat laying on its belly and its legs sprawled out :D)

Photo Jun 10, 7 35 59 PM

The connection took me by surprise and it wasn’t until I began writing this blog post that I realized the Universe had guided a soul-family member into my life.  The Universe was able to do this because I was willing and open to the unknown.  My soul felt like it received some miraculous soul-medicine, along with an absolutely mesmerizing sunset.

Photo Jun 10, 7 23 41 PM

Giving myself permission to take a leap of faith and trust what the Universe was guiding into my life – without any real effort being needed on my part, delivered a gift of insight to me.  We so often ask the Universe to give us things but are not open to receiving them due to the “fear” we put in front of these potential gifts.  That’s human nature because I believe we come to this Earth to eradicate that fear and grow closer to truth and love.  It’s the essence of waking up to who we truly are.

Photo Jun 10, 6 51 17 PM

I leave you with encouragement that if you are being guided to meet a new person or go to a new place, then your soul knows something that you won’t know until you experience.  Trusting yourself builds your intuition and also your relationship with your Universe and spiritual connection.  There are no coincidences in life … everything is synchronous to guide us to our destinies.  Follow it with inspired action…

See you soon,