Tag Archives: blog

The Manipulative Side-Effects of Manifestation (& What To Look For)

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Hello Louisiana!  I am currently sitting inside of a Taco Bell enjoying some lunch and allowing this blog post to flow out.  It’s interesting because I ordered my food through the mobile app anticipating to pick it up through the drive thru and continue my journey toward New Orleans.  Instead of being able to pick up my food through the drive thru, I was instructed to come into the store.  I sat in the parking lot for a moment, realizing that God was guiding me to eat inside so I could sit down and create this post.  So, I grabbed my computer, picked up my food, and found my place at a table to eat inside and create this post.  Here we go…

Let’s talk about manifestation… and how to tell when somebody is trying to manifest you back into their lives (think an ex lover or toxic familial connection) in a manipulative way.  Before you turn away from this post as if it may not resonate or you may not fully understand what this means, I ask you to stay because I guarantee you will be able to relate in ways you were not aware of before.  This is crucial.  It’s going to help your well-being.

Have you ever been getting over somebody (or something) and suddenly feel like you cannot stop thinking about them?  Maybe even thinking about them more than usual… but the energy has suddenly shifted regarding them?  Perhaps you were once certain that contacting them was not in alignment with love or truth and would be you resorting to old people-pleasing tactics to fulfill that addictive need.  Maybe these sudden thoughts and changing habits regarding this people leaves you feeling shocked as you were once so adamant about your position in the situation – in a healthy, balanced mindset.  You may even suddenly begin to feel like perhaps things weren’t as bad, toxic, or imbalanced as they were – or even worse, that your actions were unjust and you need to redeem yourself.  Maybe you suddenly feel like perhaps you should go back to the methods you used in the past that failed you because maybe they are the right actions – you just weren’t trying hard enough…

This sudden change in your way of thinking is your energetic system potentially being manipulated by their attempt to manifest you back into their lives – in a way that serves THEM (manipulation and control).

As I was driving through Texas yesterday along my road trip, I found myself listening to a random tarot reading on YouTube regarding a past love who I had put all my heart and energy into with loving intention.  As the tarot reading went on and on… it went into depth about this person from my past and at the end of the 3 cumulative hours I spent listening to this reading, I knew it wasn’t some random reading.  In fact, I believe nothing is random in life.  I trust that we are guided to hear things for a reason.

This reading was so spot on with meticulous detail of what I went through with this person a couple years ago.  The reading described how this person desperately wanted to contact me but didn’t feel like they could.  It went into detail about the pain that they haven’t been able to tell me about and the inner demons keeping them trapped.  Naturally, this had me thinking about them with more openness of them coming back into my life.  It was even subconsciously planting the seed that perhaps I should reach out to them, despite when I’d reached out to them in the past and was honest with my emotions, I had doors slammed in my face multiple times.

My compassion for their downfalls and inabilities to communicate what they were and are currently going through weighed on my heart as I adventured around Austin, Texas that day.  I felt myself being more tolerant of feeling their energy around me.  When I got back onto the road later that night to head to my Air BnB in Houston, I had 2.5 hours ahead of me on the road.  I was guided to watch a different tarot reading, this one tailored to my zodiac sun sign of Pisces.  In it, the energy that was being picked up was a continuance of the energy of me opening back up to this person from the past in a way where I would reach out to them.  The reading was done by an entirely different person however I knew it was the same energy trying to reach me.  As the reading went on it was saying how much of a good match me and this person were and that it was a good idea for me to reach out to them to make amends.  They weren’t going to budge, so it was up to me.

I believed this for a moment thinking, “Wow, I’m actually going to reach out to this person again? Okay… I do have a lot of love for them… and I now understand their struggles of communicating with me even more… maybe I should.”

And then … IT HIT ME LIKE A TRUCK.  All the pieces of the puzzle that I had been collecting over the past few weeks regarding the ideas of somebody trying to manifest me into their lives came together in a beautiful picture.

To manifest somebody into our lives means to put intention into our energy regarding the desired person of how we want our fate to go with that person in the energy-space we are currently vibrating from.  If we are coming from a vibration of unconditional love, then we will attract and manifest people into our lives capable of upholding that same vibration.  However, if we are vibrating from a space of control, deceit, (negative) pride, or manipulation, we will attempt to manifest that person into our lives through those means.

I recognized that the Universe was testing me through hearing these readings and picking up on this person’s energy of “not being able to reach out to me.”  It hit me that this past lover was wanting me to reach out to them, so they didn’t have to face their own pride and come my way.  This was the easy way out for them.  If I returned to them, it would comfort their soul that the actions that happened between us could be laid to rest.  I realized it was the SAME energy that I grew up with in a narcissistic household.  I was constantly made to feel like I had to put up with people’s behaviors because they “didn’t know better.”  This was extreme negligence of not wanting to take responsibility for one’s actions and therefore manipulating somebody else to disregard their own (my own) self-worth and deal with it.

I started crying while on the road because of the anger that suddenly came forward realizing that this person wasn’t trying to manifest me from a space of unconditional love.  I trust that they didn’t want to come forward out of their own cowardly behaviors and were trying to get me to come to them by using deceitful pity that they were not capable.  It was a test to see if I was still susceptible to the narcissistic people-pleasing and self-depleting behaviors I was taught to implement during my childhood.

I suddenly reclaimed my throne of Queendom KNOWING that I am deserving and worthy of more.  I felt my awareness make a powerful shift in that moment as I suddenly felt a deeper, more loving connection to my inner child.  These readings were testing me and I passed… and the gift was opening up to a higher sense of consciousness.

The truth is that my emotions deserve a safe space to be expressed within relationships.  The truth is that people CAN reach out to us, or overcome their demons, regardless of how much pity they try to develop in a case that they aren’t able.  This is their attempts to avoid responsibility of leveling up their lives and taking control of their own actions.  This is manipulation and can be used through guilting us into taking pity on their poor souls that are just not capable.  What they don’t realize is that they are taking away their own power by doing this to grab at ours through controlling us to do what they say.  This is not love.

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So, if you find yourself suddenly feeling differently toward a person whom you feel you have seen the light toward, I ask you to take a step back and consider that they may be trying to manifest you into their lives through breaking down your own healthy boundaries.  Nothing is a coincidence in life.  Ever.  It is all synchronicity guiding us to a deeper understanding of unconditional love for ourselves to arrive us at the fate and destiny we truly deserve.

I mean, come on, how many times have we moved on from people and then they suddenly reappear wanting to make amends?  Everything is energy, and when we choose to love ourselves and uplevel our lives by making higher decisions, they can feel that.  If they are not taking responsibility for their own soul growth, then they are going to want to bring us back down to their level.  Otherwise, they run the risk of losing us, losing the control they once had, and losing a sense of their egoic identity.

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(P.S. Another way they may try to manipulate you back into their lives is sending you songs that cry out how much they miss you, or were in the wrong… anything to gain some pity in hopes that we will go to them.  Because they want that control in their lives back when it comes to us.  Heed this warning because it has tricked me multiple times.)

As for this person, if they decide to reach out to me that is their choice.  I know what I deserve regardless of their actions and I will no longer settle for less than that deservedness of peace, respect, and unconditional love.  I bid you all well.  Take care of yourselves.

See you soon,


Journey Over Destination. Always

Since the birth of this blog I have had an expectation of how my Travel Tuesday posts should go.  I was basing my idea off of a travel blog set-up where I would review places and bring that guided helpfulness to others in regards to the logistics of visiting a place:  best places to eat, most fun things to do, accessibility and ease of destinations, etc.

Although I feel I will bring content like that to my Travel Tuesdays, Spirit is guiding me into a different direction right now when it comes to my Travel segments.  There is a deep spiritual freedom that has come from allowing myself the bravery to travel, especially alone.  I have gone on multiple roadtrips from east coast to west coast and have blazed through the majority of the states in between.  Traveling can truly be enhanced by stopping to make visits and tastes the foods of different places.  This is to not be underestimated.  However, traveling can also be an intuitive, life-changing event solely from getting out on the open road, letting the breeze comb through your hair from the open window or the A/C blasting in your car, getting lost in the music, and feeling the comfort of the highway signs reassuring you that if you need any resources such as gas, food, or a place to sleep, it is available.

I’ve spent a lot of time out on the open road, roadtripping from place to place.  I’ve gone on multiple cross-country road trips over the past decade of my life and each one has brought its own experiences and differences.  The one thing that has always remained the same and been what has pulled me back to do it again has been the freedom of simply just driving — sometimes without a specific destination or know-how in mind.  The liberation of knowing it is safe to just … go… and be at one with the open road has freed me.

This has been a huge link to my self-connection and my truth.  Driving is a meditative practice for me that restores me and elevates my vibrations.  While driving I catch myself visualizing what it is I truly desire in life without any restrictions trying to hold me back.  The energy of the open road carries with it the limitless potential of going anywhere, of doing anything, of being anyone.  It rips away any walls or ceilings I’ve tried to box myself into and gives me a fair opportunity to believe in myself to achieve what it is I want.

The clarity I receive on the open road is unlike any clarity I receive elsewhere.  It’s a different kind of clarity – a link to my true Spirit.  Driving keeps me present because I need to pay attention to what is going on, yet gives me the unlimited potential to focus on whatever dreams are making their way to the forefront.  I have the time and space to think about them and feel into them without that intrepid sense of guilt I get when I’m daydreaming and have other things I should be doing.  Driving helps me manifest.

Before I can really bring that travel-inspired content mentioned in my first paragraph, it is important to me to develop a foundation of understanding between me and you, my beloved readers.  Driving on the open road ingrains the truth that it is not about the destination that liberates me, it really is all about the journey.

It took me multiple cross-country trips to finally stop judging myself about not “taking advantage” of the fact that I was driving through so many different places.  I would feel a sense of guilt that I was mostly staying on the highway during my drive-throughs instead of taking time to stop and explore.  When I would stop and explore I was often glad I did, however I was limiting my idea of travel to needing to see something beautiful or extraordinary to be personally moved.

When I left for a roadtrip in December of 2018 to follow my soul’s calling and find out what it was I truly desired in life, I had all of the freedom in the world to get out and explore.  I thought this is what I would be doing and would be integrating it into my social media.  But Spirit and the Universe had a different plan for me.  They were showing me that going for a long drive on the road is a deep sense of therapy for me.  It rejuvenates my soul.  It helps me increase my vibration to assure that I leave behind negative thought processes that make me feel like I’m not good enough.  It nurtures my soul.  I learned that it was okay to drop the expectation that just because I wasn’t doing as much exploration externally on my trips didn’t mean I wasn’t expanding myself and doing deep exploration internally.

I finally dropped the judgment that I needed to “make the most” of my trips by going to places, instead of allowing myself to just drive.  I began to realize the need for open-road driving in my life.  It keeps me in balance and it helps me process the gunk that may be sitting in my life, ready for release.

Perhaps now that I have dropped the self-judgment of not exploring places as much as one may assume since I’ve done multiple roadtrips, my emergence of exploration will come more naturally.  I won’t be telling myself I “should” be making more stops and seeing more attractions.  I’ll know that it is safe for me to go with the flow and do what feels right because I am spiritually upgrading and up-leveling with each mile I make.

I am compelled to write this post for Travel Tuesday today because I am about to go on one of my most miraculous roadtrips yet.  This is because my intention of this roadtrip is to close a giant chapter of my life and elevate me toward a higher sense of love.  Instead of wondering what to make of this trip, I know that my intention is to finalize my decision to move on.  I’ll explain more as progress is made and now that I have this blog implemented, I will be able to take you guys along for the journey with even more depth than ever before.

Until then, I encourage you to trust that the way you explore life is okay.  The most important part about travel, to me, is enjoyment.  If you feel good then you’re doing something right.  Everybody’s needs are different and the way we experience life is supposed to be varied.  Dropping self-judgment will elevate you to a more profound state of love.

See you soon,